Monday, January 31, 2011

Stupid Jackson

Ugh. I am such a liar. Just to be honest, I still have days where I feel totally in love with the guy that totally shattered my heart. There are days where I miss him, days where I wish I was back on that trail in Utah with him. I just cannot get it through my head that he and I are over. I just keep thinking that he will one day come running back to me, and that I will be with him again.... I don't want to admit it's not gonna happen. Maybe, I'll visit him when I go out to Utah this summer... it would be hard not to want to, but for now, I'll keep having my sisters spit as the drive past Marvellous Catering....

1 comment:

  1. He's a LOSERRRRRRRRRRRRRR Forget him nugget!!! There will be other guys...SO many other guys....BETTER guys (some worse guys, too I am sure) You're only 15!!! Forget silly guys and have fun with life! :D
